Monday, 30 March 2015

It's STILL March & it snowed again today !

The March weather is as mad as the March hare, we have had a bit of everything this month, snow, rain sleat , wind, gales, hail & even some sunshine ....but to make things feel better here is a fluffy Easter Bunny ! Spring IS on it's way, the cottages are all booked up for the Easter break & we are looking forward to some more seasonal weather.

Monday, 2 March 2015

It is March & it's STILL snowing......

In spite of the weather we are setting our sights firmly on summer, we are looking forward to more glorious weather SO make your booking now for a country retreat, everything you need to restore your equilibrium: sunshine. showers, trees. green, beauty, tranquility.....I could go on but a surprise is no bad thing